Design Principle Final Compilation

Melvin Yung Khun Yew | 0357241 | Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
GCD60804  Design Principles

Finally, a compilation of all tasks as a wrap-up for this module!

Just like this artwork (Astronomer is exploring the cosmic), this module is one hell of an expedition for me, but the rewards I gained are tremendous as well and made me want to delve and explore more into the world of design.

The Astronomer, 1668 by Vermeer

I can see myself coming a long way since the beginning of my second semester, even though it's just a short 2 month semester. The amount of work contents packed into the module is not what I had imagined in the first place.

These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio

Final product

Final design in PDF file:


Final shirt design in PDF file:

Mockups of the shirt design — 21/3/2024 

All blog posts are compiled in PDF

Click here to access the PDF file and final design images

My reflections

  1. What have I learned in this module?
    To keep this short, many things! I can see myself better utilizing the design principles I have learned throughout this module, even though I'm familiar with most of them. Through the assignments, I was able to ponder and have a deeper visual analysis of a single design as I can deduce many points and understand the artist's decisions about why all artworks are designed specifically. Moreover, there is a quote by Dr Charles that left a deep impression on me, saying that a design is never perfect. There is always a continuous and non-stop process/cycle to improve and enhance. 

  2. What did I enjoy the most?
    Creative ideas come up in my mind when I'm completing the assignments, especially in the final task. I never had the idea of making a graphic tee design in the first place, but it's the wonders of design that keep challenging my thinking skills. Not to say that the moment I clearly see my improvements and the sense of accomplishment after every task too.

    (P/S: I enjoyed every conversation with Dr Charles :> It's the shallow yet deep guidance that makes me look forward to feedback from him every class session)

  3. What did I not enjoy the most?
    I can say there is nothing for me that I didn't enjoy in terms of the module. (Maybe it's the benefits of an open-ended assignment).

    However, what I did not enjoy is the fact that I actually procrastinate a lot and every time I regret not completing it sooner or spending more time to master and deliver the best of the best from myself.

  4. What have I learnt about myself through this module?
    Although I may not be able to effectively express myself with my current illustration skills, I found myself a better version compared to the person I once was when I was just starting out at Taylor's in terms of creative, critical thinking skills. The fact that I'm able to come up with fresh ideas in mere seconds after consulting with my lecturer upon changing the art directions, I too was surprised by myself after reminiscing the experience I obtained along the way.

  5. What has changed and what has not in my learning journey?
    The fact that I've become more positive and tolerant of each assignment, and I can observe that my mindset has changed from just completing the tasks to fulfilling the module requirements, into how to treat each task with a dedication to achieving the final satisfying outcome.

  6. What could be improved in this module?
    Nothing needs to be improved as long as Dr Charles is still here in this module hahaha. :>


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