Design Principles Task 3

Melvin Yung Khun Yew | 0357241 | Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
GCD60804  Design Principles

Final creation of my own artwork

Guernica, 1937 by Pablo Picasso

To promote world peace and justice and as a reminder of the beauty of solace in daily life, I produced a work of art, implying simple and direct graphics to communicate straightforwardly with the viewers. Based on my previous analysis and study on the design principles applications from one of the artworks on the internet that has been viral for a moment, I felt motivated to make an art piece as a reaction to the artist's design, Emily Deechaleune and to foster the importance of tranquillity among the society.

These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio


Dr Charles gave our class a quick brief on the module information about the upcoming assignments, marked as an open-ended assignment with continuous progression to form a limitless product/design.

MIB - Module Information Booklet

In this final task, I'm assigned to complete a final artwork regarding the topic I have chosen (UNSDG goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). I also applied the design principles I have learned in the lecture videos and observed from the series of artworks by others on the Internet.

Work Process

During the whole timeline of this final assignment, I made some progress on:
  • Initial ideations and sketch
  • Medium consideration
  • Challenges and change of art directions
  • Improvisions
  • Final sketch and digitalization
  • Further references and inspirations
  • Adjustments and refinements
  • Additional fun ideas

◙ Initial ideations and sketch
Initially, I planned to follow the art style and directions of the artwork I have chosen and analyzed, which is the peace symbol. 

I came up with the idea of using different postures of the hands to form a close resemblance to the outline of the peace symbol (CND symbol)

In the digital sketch using Procreate, I made a black box to simulate and play with the framing and compositions of the ideas in the hope of creating visually appealing art as suggested and recommended by Dr Charles to aid us in looking at the same thing from various perspectives.

The first idea was to use the CND symbol as the main graphic communication.

◙ Medium consideration
After a moment of pondering what medium I'm going to present my art in, I chose to go with the good ol' digital 2D style as it remains the one significant and influential part of portraying contemporary art on the Internet.

One thing about why I chose digital and 2D art styles over the others:
Digital art has one great benefit: adaptability. Plus, it can reach more and further audiences through the power of the Internet, as backed up by the popularity of social media.



I chose 2D art as it can be created faster and modified easier compared to 3D art form :P

◙ Challenges and change of art directions
After a thoughtful feedback session with Dr Charles during the class, he suggested that instead of sticking with one art direction and graphic elements (only using the CND symbol theme), why not try to go for a different path?
Illustration of the feedback session

With guidance from Dr Charles, I immediately came up with another idea of focusing on our senses (eyes, ears, mouth) as these 3 senses are the most important parts for us to receive and exchange information with the outside world. The eyes to see, the ears to hear and the mouth to react with the information.

But those senses are what make us differentiate and separate us from uniting together to achieve world peace. What if we can join hands to stand on the same line and look at the same goal? Will that make the world a better place to live in?

◙ Improvisions
The keywords I came up with for my sketches are:
  • Perception
  • Main senses (Eyes, ears, mouth)
  • On the same line/goal
Physical sketches of possible combinations

For sketch #1, I emphasise the message I need to bring out, "Peace". Different amounts of eyes, ears and mouths are put across the canvas to represent people in societies. 

In Sketch #2, I make the poster more straightforward by making a comparison of the outcome of people without and with unity to appreciate the importance of peace.

Additional sketches were drawn such that they resemble the situations of those senses gained sentient and having their own mind, and having a peace talk.

Trying out the many versions of the ideas, I went to Adobe Illustrator and made those various ideas out for better visual comparison on which is the most efficient in conveying the message to others.


Sketch 1, 2, 3 and 4 from left to right

◙ Final sketch and digitalization
After another feedback session with Dr Charles, both of us concluded that the 1st sketch works better at bringing the message directly to the viewers. Dr Charles also provided his professional point of view on improving the graphics in the design to make the artwork more effective in communicating.

Suggestions such as:
  • Variations of the eyes, ears and mouth represent different groups of people
  • The sentences in the artwork make them relatable to the viewers
◙ Further references and inspirations

Peace for All charity campaign by Uniqlo

PEACE FOR ALL project by Uniqlo

After deciding on the slogan of my poster: "Peace for all!",  I stumbled across this charity project by Uniqlo that is to make a peace-themed graphic tee and donate the earnings to the global charity fund. I found this project exciting and I explored more examples of the amazing graphic tees on sale.

Graphic tees on

Peace for All shirt design by Keith Harring

I also came across this Japanese brand Felissimo that dedicated itself to spreading peace through its fashion, miscellaneous goods and handmade kits.

Go! Peace! webpage by Felissimo

◙ Adjustments and refinements
Regarding Dr Charles's suggestions, I have made some adjustments and refinements to the artwork poster.

Variation of the eyes

Eye shapes illustrations on Pinterest

Referring to the materials on the Internet, I created a variety of eye shapes as well as eye colours.

Eye shapes and colours

This is the second version developed from the final sketch before.

Inspiration words:
"Design is never perfect. It is a continuous process or cycle to make improvement."
— Dr Charles

Yes, design is never perfect. Thus I challenge myself to improve the graphics and make more variety to the lips and ears, as well as the fine details in them. 

Using the lines as a guide for the viewers to follow the reading flow, I combined the lines and the texts together to form an effect of continuous lines that make up those texts.

Variety of lips:
Lips drawing referring to the types of lips by Depositphotos

Here is the final version of the graphic poster design:

"Gather sense for peace" — 21/3/2024

◙ Additional fun ideas/product

I tried to make a graphic tee combined with the poster I made as the final product. I produced a series of mockups to better visualize how the shirt design would look when applied to real life.

The font I have used for the design is Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold in Adobe Illustrator. I traced the outline of the texts and later cut the partial outline to make a coherent and smooth flow of text following the line.

Exporting the design from Illustrator to Photoshop, I'm able to make a displacement map for the shirt and blend the graphics into the shirt.

Close-up on the front shirt design

Mockup 1

The shirt mockup template image by on Freepik

Mockup 2

Shirt mockup PSD template by PSD Mockup on

Final product

Final design in PDF file:



The title for my final design will be "Gather Sense for Peace". This is justified by the arrangements of three of our sensory organs: mouth, eyes and ears which are the main drivers of information. I emphasize two different conditions to compare and allow easier visual understanding. Instead of making unhealthy comparisons among others that differentiate and separate us from walking on the path to harmony, what about we come to our senses and unite together towards the same goal? Thus this poster can act as direct instructions and reminder on how we should behave to make our world a better place.

Based on the final poster, there is indeed an inclusion of the principle of similarity: the three sensory organs with different variations as a complete picture. Visual harmony is also achieved due to how connected the graphics together which are the senses to communicate a single message with the viewers. Talking about contrasts between the graphics and the background, The clear separation of foreground and gradient colour background makes the whole design pop out more and clearer visualization. Symmetrical radial balance is also applied in the design, and it emphasises the centre text box "PEACE FOR ALL!". In addition, almost all the graphics in the design are pictorial symbols of the sensory organs. Hierarchy among the graphics can be found across the poster on the header too. 

Final shirt design in PDF file:

Mockups of the shirt design — 21/3/2024 


Week 5
Try to implement more harmony into the artwork, like how each visual elements complement others towards communicating the same goal. — Dr Charles

Week 6
The first idea works fine, just be aware that the texts used must be related to the topic. For example, instead of unrelated texts such as "The gas price just went up", switch them to the opinions that separate us away from the final goal "I look better than you, You're too young..." You need to work on the variety of symbols to resemble different groups of people worldwide. — Dr Charles

Week 7
Everything looks good! Just change the colour of the lips to have more variety and it's all done. You can try to email Uniqlo about the T-shirt design too!


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