Interactive Design | Project 3

Melvin Yung Khun Yew | 0357241 | Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
GCD 60904 | Interactive Design
Week 8 — Week 14

Final Microsite Coding

After Mr Shamsul provided us tutorials on CSS coding to include multiple functions available for us to utilize and add to our own websites. It is now that we put our HTML and CSS knowledge from the entire semester to the test.

These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio


Mr Shamsul Hamimi, my module coordinator and lecturer for this semester, provided us with the necessary files including the module information, and reading elements to give us a headstart on this module.

MIB - Module Information Booklet

Project 2 - Working Web Page

"In this assignment, you have the creative freedom to design and develop a single-page microsite centred around the theme of lifestyle. Your goal is to craft an immersive and visually appealing microsite that effectively communicates the chosen lifestyle theme and engages users through thoughtful design and interactive elements."

Deadline: Week 15

Artist Selection: Choose your favourite topic as the subject of your website. Ensure you are genuinely interested in the topic, as this will help you create a more engaging website. Decide the site's goal to ensure that the site has clear content.

Design a single-page microsite that consists of at least five distinct sections. These sections should flow seamlessly and provide a comprehensive experience for the user.

Learning goals:

  • Critical Thinking Competencies – Use ideation strategies to synthesize assess and evaluate prototype/final product outcomes for further development.

  • Appraising And Valuing Competencies – Analyse and measure performance and self-development through constructive feedback, assessment, self-evaluation and consultations.

Work Process

Project Overview:

For my final task in the Interactive Design module, I am creating a single-page website with a visually engaging and interactive design. The project focuses on the promotion of the game Honkai Star Rail, incorporating elements from popular game interfaces and a space-themed colour palette.

Visual Reference (Webpage Layout)
Official page of Mario by Nintendo

Website Color Palette
Space theme colour palette

Design Tool
Figma is used to develop the website visual design prototype.

To make things much simpler and more manageable, I separated the entire webpage into sections such as:
  • Header
  • Hero page (Call-to-action button)
  • Content Section (Game Story, Gameplay, Character Paths, Combat Types, Regions, Musics)
  • Comment/Request Form
  • Footer

Website Layout and Structure:

  • Layout: The website follows a centre-aligned style to maintain a clean and organized appearance.
    Centre-aligned design

  • Sticky Header: Designed a sticky header with a navigation bar, which includes sections for story, gameplay, paths, combat types, regions, and music.
    Header with navigation button

  • Call to Action: A prominent call-to-action section is placed to direct visitors to the official Honkai Star Rail website for game downloads
    "Free Download" Call-to-action button

Visual Elements:

  • Background Illustrations: Incorporated illustration images from Honkai Star Rail as section backgrounds to create an immersive experience.
    Game illustration as a background

  • Image Carousels: Added image carousels to introduce the multiple free-roam maps available in the game.
    Interactive image carousel

  • Music Album Slideshow: Designed a constant sliding music album slideshow that allows visitors to interact and access the music album for listening.
    Scrolling music album

Interactive Features:

  • Download Platforms: At the end of the page, a small call-to-action button provides links to different download platforms (PS5, PC (Epic Games), Google Play, App Store) for easy access.

    Download button

  • Comments and Messages: Included a section for visitors to leave comments or messages, request updates or information, or share their opinions, with a form section (email, comment form).
    Comment section

Footer Design:

  • Additional Navigation: The footer contains additional navigation to individual sections of the webpage and links to other websites introducing the game company and their social pages (Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Discord, Hoyolab).
    Additional Navigation section

Dreamweaver Coding

Importing the custom fonts from Google Fonts

Upon selecting the font of my choice, I embed the Roboto font and Julius Sans One from Google into my code using the pre-connect link reference to import the font for website use so that I can use the custom font for my content.

Set the key logo for the webpage icon

The website content is to introduce a game to the viewer, so naturally I set the game logo to be the icon of the webpage so that the webpage tab will be more visually appealing instead of using the default mono-colour icon.

Tab Icon

Game Logo

Set container for the body

For the header, I made a navigation bar for easier access and navigation on the webpage compared to just scrolling the webpage all the way to find the exact position of the section.

I made an interactable navigation button for the About, Gameplay, Paths, Combat Types, Regions and Music. That way the viewers can click on those and get quicker results.


HTML addition of <ul> unlisted order for the navigation button 

For the navigation bar, I coded several CSS and even JavaScript to make it interactive upon hovering and clicking it. JavaScipt makes the animation of the navigation bar activate and reset to the original state when clicking on a different button.

Underlining the section for indication

JavaScript Visited status removal

I also place the game logo image on the left side of the navigation bar, and it can act as the button to navigate to the home section, which leads the viewers all the way up to the top of the webpage upon clicking it.

Upon closer inspection, you can observe that I include a music-like icon at the header too. That's right, I have added the background music for the viewers that can be switched on and off when browsing the page.

On and Off Status for background music

To achieve the interactable switch for music, I have included HTML, CSS and JavaScript code for it to work as I intended. For the HTML and JavaScript code, I have searched and learned them on the Internet.

<audio> and <source src> to include audio
HTML code

CSS code

JavaScript code

For controlling the width which I use a lot in my code, I use the measurement of the viewport height (vh) and viewport width (vw) so that my content can be dynamic across different screen sizes instead of using pixels (px) measurement.

Using the event listener function in JavaScript allows me to be able to add functions according to the user's action (clicking), in this case, is to make a variable to state the play and pause status and change the music icon to the respective status (on and off)

I also controlled the background music volume to 40% of the original volume using JavaScript too.

Hero/Call-to-Action section
Finishing up with the header, I made my first section container with a static background image to compliment the webpage that I'm going to make. Including a call to action button to direct the viewers to the official game page to download the game, I also added a header as a catchphrase and added an interesting element to the page when the viewers load up the page. 

Hero section

To make the image remain static from the scrolling action, I added the background-attachment: fixed code.
CSS Background image code 

About the Game
This is the section where I briefly introduce the viewers to the game's story. The header (h2) and the paragraph (p) font size are controlled individually with the viewport measurement. The background image code is also used to add interesting images for an immersive experience.

About The Game

CSS About section

CSS Header 2 and paragraph control

Character Paths
When including multiple information cards to introduce the game mechanics, I use the row and column to align the elements such as the individual graphic icons and texts properly and orderly with the text hierarchy to decide the headers and paragraph (description).

Character path

HTML Row and Column code

CSS Row and Column code

When intending to make the image carousel with multiple images and indicators on which image the viewers' are on, I tried using the BootStrap coding to make the carousel.


I linked the document with their CSS and JS file via CDN, by including the <link> command at the start of the HTML document.

Link reference to Bootstrap CSS and Javascript

Image carousel with button and indicators

HTML carousel code

I also code the CSS to allow me to control the images, buttons and indicator sizes that can be sized according to the screen size.

CSS carousel code

This section is one of my favourite sections on the webpage, with the constant scrolling of the music albums, and slide-showing various album content that are interactive upon clicking (directing to the music video on YouTube and Spotify).

Music album slide show"carousel"

I learned new code to add linear animation to simulate the slide show effect using the animation code.

Album slide show

When making the end of the body section, I utilize the row and column function again and the fieldset code that I've learned from a previous tutorial by Mr Shamsul.

Platform download session and comment section

HTML Fieldset form

CSS fieldset form styling

Lastly, I added a footer to my webpage to add an additional navigation link section and credited my work with copyright. At the same time, I also include a ESRB Teen Rating to inform the viewers about the intended age group for the game.

Footer with additional navigation and copyright info

HTML additional navigation link with multiple columns

Mobile View

To ensure a responsive webpage screen resolution dimension throughout different devices such as mobile phones, I also coded a separate coding specially for the mobile screen apart from the normal CSS webpage code.

Due to the smaller screen ratio of the mobile phone, I adjust the individual parameters for each attribute so that the elements will be aligned properly when viewing the page on the phone.

CSS code for smaller screen size at 996px or lower

Here are the examples of the mobile view of the webpage:
Mobile view

Access the website here:

Final Project: Honkai Star Rail

Access the HTML, CSS and JavaScript files here:

Google Drive

My reflections

Working on this project has significantly expanded my web design and development skills. I learned new CSS techniques for creating a clean, centre-aligned layout, sticky headers, and interactive elements like image carousels and slideshows. Venturing into JavaScript opened new possibilities, such as integrating a music album slideshow. I hope I have more chances to learn how to use JavaScript, as I can foresee a better result for some of the content in my website such as the music section so that it can be drag around while being clickable to link to the music page.


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