Interactive Design | Project 2

Melvin Yung Khun Yew | 0357241 | Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
GCD 60904 | Interactive Design
Week 6 — Week 8

Let's code the designs

Upon being given opportunities to experience coding for website design such as HTML and CSS, here comes the second assignment that will put my HTML and CSS knowledge to the test, where I need to code out the web design from the first project.

Image credit: Shimrit Katz via Linkedin

These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio


Mr Shamsul Hamimi, my module coordinator and lecturer for this semester, provided us with the necessary files including the module information, and reading elements to give us a headstart on this module.

MIB - Module Information Booklet

Project 2 - Working Web Page

This assignment aims to transform my static prototype from Project 1 into a fully functional and interactive web page. I need to apply my knowledge of web layout class to create a working website that closely aligns with my original prototype.

Deadline: Week 10

Working web page uploaded to Netlify

Learning goals:

This module helps in improving technical and digital media competencies and strategic communication competencies.

Work Process

Based on the design prototype I created in the first project using Figma, I proceeded to turn the design into a live responsive webpage which I coded entirely on my own understanding of the HTML and CSS.

Figma CV design prototype

To make things much simpler and more manageable, I separated the entire webpage into sections such as:
  • Header
  • Hero page
  • Project Gallery
  • CV
  • Footer

Importing the custom fonts from Google Fonts

Upon selecting the font of my choice, I embed the Poppins font from Google into my code using the pre-connect link reference to import the font for website use so that I can use the custom font for my content.

Set the key logo for the webpage icon

I'm using the logo I've designed before to be the icon of the webpage so that the webpage tab will be more visually appealing instead of using the default mono-colour icon.
Tab icon

Logo icon

Set container for the body

For the header, I made a navigation bar for easier access and navigation on my online CV webpage compared to just scrolling the webpage all the way to find the exact position of the section.

I made an interactable navigation button for the profile, education, experience, skills, projects and contact. That way the viewers can click on those and get quicker results.

Header navigation bar

Just in case you've wondered, I also place my logo image on the left side of the navigation bar, and it can act as the secret button to navigate to the home section, which leads the viewers all the way up to the top of the webpage upon clicking it.

Hero/Introduction section
Finishing up with the header, I made my first section container with a linear colour gradient to make my image border more subtle to the eyes. Aligning both the paragraphs and the image on the same line, I place my description on the side to give the viewers a quick introduction to me while maintaining the hierarchy of the text using different headers and font sizes. 

Hero/Introduction section

My project gallery
To give the viewers a quick glance at my past projects and works, I included a small gallery of my work in a section container. Initially, in this section, I was having a hard time making the image dimensions unaffected by the responsive webpage I'm trying to achieve, but I'm glad that I'm able to solve the issues after searching for solutions on the Internet such as flex-wrap and object-fit attributes to acquire the effects I want.

Project Gallery

CV section
To make the section more visible and separated from the other section, I filled the section container with a deep blue colour to make a contrast between the webpage. 
CV content section

In this section, I fully utilised the function of the rows and columns, which makes the content appear on the left and right of the webpage to achieve the design I want. 

To isolate the different information in this section, I created a solid colour container for all of them and labelled each container with titles to indicate the type of information on top of the container box.

In order to create more ordered and aligned content in these boxes, I input the information in the ordered list command. 

Example of ordered list contents

I also code in circles with the icons beside the title of the container box to indicate the individual sections.

Icons beside the title text

Lastly, I added a footer to my webpage and credited my work with copyright. :)

Mobile View

To ensure a responsive webpage screen resolution dimension throughout different devices such as mobile phones, I also coded a separate coding specially for the mobile screen apart from the normal CSS webpage code.

Due to the smaller screen ratio of the mobile phone, I adjust the individual parameters for each attribute so that the elements will be aligned properly when viewing the page on the phone.

CSS coding for smaller screen size

Here are the examples of the mobile view of the webpage:
Mobile view

Access the website here:

My reflections

CV — Working Web Page

There's so much to say about my feelings towards this assignment: reviewing my static prototype from Project 1, translating the design into HTML and CSS  and ensuring compatibility across different devices. It's so much more work compared to just making the designs in Figma. Especially since I need to keep track of the responsive dimension of my webpage, there are so many codings happening in just this simple webpage, imagine the far more complex webpage with animations and 3D models. I can't wait for more challenges like this to come by in the near future.


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