Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media, Taylor's University Malaysia
Games Studies | Final Compilation
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Melvin Yung Khun Yew | 0357241 | Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative
Media GCD 61504 | Games Studies Week 1 — Week 15
Final Compilation
Looking back from the start of the semester, a lot has been going on in
this module. From the exercises where I needed to study the existing game
and one of the famous game developers, to the group project where I joined
hands with other teammates filled with dedication to create a card game
from the ground up. This module has provided me with a whole new
experience for me that I've never felt before.
These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio
Dr Charles Shamadu, my module coordinator and lecturer for this
semester, provided us with the necessary files including the module
information, and reading elements to give us a headstart on this
MIB - Module Information Booklet
Exercise 1: Series of Investigation
Investigation topic:
My Favourite Games and why it's highly playable and impactful
Game Developer Review
Project 1 to Project 3:
Game Proposal
Playtest data
Final Card Game Completion
Work Process
Exercise Overview
The game I chose to study for the first research topic is the old
but gold Terraria, a 2D platform open-world survival + adventure
This is the group e-portfolio I'm part of, where all the progression
of our card game creation to commercialization is documented in detail
every week.
At the start of the semester, this seemed like a fun module, and
I’m glad to say that in the end, it is still fun! Working on this
group assignment, where we created an entirely new card game from
scratch to the final product, has been a challenging yet rewarding
experience. I’m fortunate to have groupmates with incredible
dedication and a group leader who guided us systematically,
ensuring a complete and polished outcome. The results truly amazed
me, and I’m proud of what we accomplished together.
My role focused on designing and contributing to photo
documentation, which helped keep the work organized and
progressing smoothly. Though I was sometimes encumbered with other
assignments—just like everyone else in the group—I appreciated the
collaborative effort that allowed us to navigate these challenges
and pull off a fascinating final product.
This project not only tested our creativity and teamwork but also
strengthened my appreciation for group dynamics. Seeing our ideas
transform into a tangible, playable card game has been deeply
satisfying. I’m grateful for this experience and for having such
supportive teammates to share it with. This journey has reaffirmed
how enjoyable and impactful working together can be.
Melvin Yung Khun Yew | 0357241 | Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media GCD 60904 | Interactive Design Week 1 — Week 8 Hello to Interactive Design! After the introductory class to the internet world where we are accessing multiple websites daily, including social media and other platforms. centuries till now on the font. Image credit: Shimrit Katz via Linkedin JUMPLINKS These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio Summary from lectures Instructions Work Process Lecturer's feedback My reflections Lecture summary Mr Shamsul (Week 1): "Beware of clutters in the website design and refrain from bombarding the page with details and texts. White spaces are important in the website design, as they allow comfort in one's eyes." Lecture slide 1 What is usability? An interface with high usability ensures users fir...
This is a placeholder page for the advanced typography label JUMPLINKS These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio Summary from lectures Instructions Work Process Lecturer's feedback My reflections My further reading Back to Top Steps Step 1: Import video clip (Mints Advertising) Step 2: Arranging the video clips in the timeline panel Step 3: Done! ...
Melvin Yung Khun Yew | 0357241 | Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media GCD61004 Advanced Typography Week 1 to Week 4 Hello to Advanced Typography! After the introductory class to the world of typography in the first semester of my first-year degree, I was greeted by another chance for a deeper comprehension of the typography knowledge compiled from centuries ago till now. Image of the post: The Joker Graphic Typography Image credit: Aleksandar Popovski via Dribble JUMPLINKS These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio Summary from lectures Instructions Work Process Lecturer's feedback My reflections My further reading Lecture summary WEEK 1 Typographic systems In the lecture, I learned that there are eight major variations of typographic systems with an infinite number of permutations such as: axial system , r...
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