Video and Sound Production | Project 3

Melvin Yung Khun Yew | 0357241 | Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
VSP 60104 Video and Sound Production
Week 3 to Week 7

The final stop motion

This module introduced me to the knowledge and skills required to digitize sound and video elements for multimedia design projects, using the appropriate multimedia platforms.

Image credit: DC Studio on Freepik

These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio

Lecture summary


Mr Martin Chong, my module coordinator and lecturer for this semester, provided us with the necessary files including the module information, and reading elements to give us a headstart on this module.

Fig 2.1  MIB - Module Information Booklet

Task 1  |  Project 1 Audio Editing Exercises
In the first task starting this video & sound production class, we have several exercises to warm up and aid in gaining theoretical and practical knowledge for the Adobe Premiere Pro.

Time length: Week 2 — Week 6

Learning goals:
  • To acquire technical and digital media competencies by demonstrating the creative use of software, and effective use of digital media skills to promote or communicate design concepts or solutions.

The exercises include:
  1. [Replacement text here]
Submission requirements:
  1. Progress

Work Process

My favourite stop-motion rationales
  1. Creative Expression: Stop motion allows for unique and imaginative storytelling that can bring inanimate objects to life, showcasing creativity in ways that traditional animation might not.

  2. Tactile Experience: Working with physical materials and real objects provides a hands-on, tactile experience that can be more engaging and rewarding for some animators.

  3. Distinct Visual Style: The distinctive look of stop motion can set a project apart, giving it a charming, handmade aesthetic that appeals to audiences.

Medium: Real-life 3D stop motion?

In this final project, I'm thinking of doing it solo.

Lecturer's Feedback

This final project hasn't started yet

My reflections

My learnings:
In this project, I'm able to learn the introduction to filmmaking, with the principles of cinematography, storyboards and more. With many opportunities provided to put the lessons to use, I'm glad that I'm able to learn knowledge that I've only touched the surface before in more detail.

My observations:

My weaknesses or obstacles 


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