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Interactive Design | Final Compilation

Melvin Yung Khun Yew | 0357241 | Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media VSP 60104 Video and Sound Production Week 15 Final Compilation JUMPLINKS These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio Portfolio Links Submission My reflections Portfolio Links ▼ Exercises | HTML Document Development & HTML, CSS Document Development, CSS Layout Model Exercise ▼ Project 1: Prototype Design Task 1  ▼ Project 2:  Working Web Page Task 2  ▼ Project 3: Design, Exploration and Application Task 3  Submission Task |   Exercise Week 1 to Week 8 Exercise 2 The Replica - Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley website replica on 11/5/2024 Exercise 3 Recipe Card Recipe Card here Project 1  |   Prototype Design - Digital Resume/CV Week 4 to Week 6 CV prototype Access the prototype with the buttons below (Figma account login required) Visit my digital resume website Project 2  |  Working Web Page Week 6 to Week 8 Access the Netlify we

Interactive Design | Project 3

Melvin Yung Khun Yew | 0357241 | Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media GCD 60904 | Interactive Design Week 8 — Week 14 Final Microsite Coding After Mr Shamsul provided us tutorials on CSS coding to include multiple functions available for us to utilize and add to our own websites. It is now that we put our HTML and CSS knowledge from the entire semester to the test. JUMPLINKS These are the jump links to each part of this portfolio Instructions Work Process My reflections Instructions Mr Shamsul Hamimi , my module coordinator and lecturer for this semester, provided us with the necessary files including the module information, and reading elements to give us a headstart on this module. MIB - Module Information Booklet Project 2 - Working Web Page "In this assignment, you have the creative freedom to design and develop a single-page microsite centred around t